Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hilarious Jewish Food Taste Test Video - Try Some Gefilte Fish, Matzo Ball Soup, Rugelach, Chopped LIver And Don't Forget The Manischewitz Wine, You Might Like It

Image From Buzz Feed Jewish Food Taste You Tube Video

For those celebrating the Rosh Hashanah New Year with traditional Jewish food of Gefilte Fish, Kugel, Chopped Liver, Matzo Ball Soup, Rugelach and Manischewitz Wine, this very funny Buzz Feed Video is for you. For those who have never tasted these traditional Jewish foods, Try It, You'll Like It.

My favorite Matzo Ball Soup is from Katz's Deli and Fresh Direct has some very good Sweet Potato Kugel.

Eat up.