Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Upcoming Roosevelt Island Bike New York Program's - Thursday Evening Ride Around Island, Picnic In Astoria Park, Learn To Ride For Adults, Pop Up Shop & More

 Image Of Bike NY Ride Around Roosevelt Island Group From Caitlin Goodspeed

Bike New York's Roosevelt Island Community Outreach Manager Caitlin Goodspeed reports:
Thursday Evening Bike Rides (only 2 more left!)
September 25 and October 16
Meet at the Bike New York container (next to Gristedes) at 6:15pm for a 3-mile loop around Roosevelt Island. Free Bike New York t-shirts for all participants! Bikes and helmets will be provided. 

Picnic in the Park
Saturday, October 4 at 11:30am
Join us for a short ride over to Astoria Park for a picnic to celebrate the end of the summer season! Please pack your own lunch. Dessert will be provided! All participants will receive a free Bike New York t-shirt. To register, please contact
Learn to Ride - Adults class for Roosevelt Island Residents Only
Sunday, October 5 from 10am - 12pm
It's never too late to learn how to ride a bike! Join us at Capobianco basketball court (across the street from PS 217) for this beginner's class. Click here to register. Bikes and helmets will be provided. 

Fall for Arts Festival
Saturday, October 11 from 11am - 4pm
We're excited to participate in this year's festival! Stop by the Bike New York table and decorate your bicycle! You will also be able to pick up more information about our programs and events. We look forward to meeting you!

The Pop-Up Bike Shop will run through the end of October. The last day will be on Saturday, October 25 from 10am - 2pm. The shop will be closed on Saturday, October 11 for Columbus Day Weekend. 

Free bicycle classes will continue at Sportspark throughout the fall and winter months. Classes will include Learn to Ride - Adults, Learn to Ride - Kids, Bike Maintenance, Bike Commuting, Winter Riding, Bicycling Basics, and Street Skills. Please check the class calendar on our website for the complete schedule. 
For more information on these events, contact Ms. Goodspeed.