Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Who Do These Tickets Go To" For July 4 Fireworks Celebration Viewing At FDR Four Freedoms Park Asks Roosevelt Island Residents - RIOC Online Registration Opens At 1 PM Today, Tickets Unavailable 3 Minutes Later

At 1 PM today, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) opened online ticket registration for July 4 Fireworks viewing celebration at the FDR 4 Freedoms Park. Last Monday, RIOC announced that 1500 tickets would be available and added yesterday:

It’s almost time to reserve your tickets! Registration for the Roosevelt Island Fourth of July Family Fireworks Celebration will be opening tomorrow, Wednesday, June 30th, at 1 PM. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to register for advanced tickets. Tickets will open to the general public the same day at 4 PM.

By 1:03 PM today, tickets were no longer available. 

I asked if residents received tickets. Among the responses:

  • Who do these tickets go to? I logged on at 12:59 to check and it said it wasn’t available yet. When I logged on exactly at 1pm, and clicked register it said the tickets were no longer available.
  • Smells fishy, or at least not well executed. No way these tickets went to residents only.
  • they were open to the public! And again they were advertised on social media! I don’t understand, theses off island folks do not spend money here! There’s no commerce, they bring their food with them, So why?
  • I was able to get 2 tickets for myself and my SO. I do live on R.I., but there was no address check. I guess I was lucky. I agree it's sad they don't prioritize
  • There is no way to prove that all those who got the tickets are residents. They didn’t ask for the address. Only email address.
  • This must be a joke! My husband tried at 1:00 and got kicked off the site. At 1:02 all tickets were gone!
  • Luckily we got tickets! There should have been a separate link for residents and another for the public

RIOC announced at 2:30 PM today:

We’re sorry you missed it! Registration for the Roosevelt Island Fourth of July Family Fireworks Celebration is now officially closed, tickets sold out. For an alternative way of viewing the fireworks celebration on Roosevelt Island, see details below: 

The Cornell Tech campus will be open and available to the public as a viewing location, starting at 12 PM. 

  • No ticket is needed for access but wristbands will be given out upon entry.
  • Entrance is first-come, first-serve.
  • All visitors will be subject to airport-style security.
  • No entry is permitted after 9 PM. Latecomers will not be admitted.
  • For full event details go to:

 All attendees who have NOT been vaccinated against COVID-19 are reminded to kindly wear a mask throughout the event. 

Please be sure to review our Prohibited Items list for the event at: and stay tuned for further July 4th guidance about island transportation, closures, and other important updates. 

Upon any potential safety concerns or overcrowding, we reserve the right to limit access to Roosevelt Island and the fireworks viewing locations. Thank you.

I asked RIOC Public Information Officer Amy Smith:

How many total tickets were available for the July 4 FDR Park Fireworks viewing online registration today?

RIOC said on Monday there were 1500 tickets but the Eventbrite registration page said only 1100 tickets were available.

Which number is accurate? Why are the numbers different?

Also, are there any tickets distributed through sources other than the online registration process?

If yes, how many tickets and what are those other sources?

Will update when answer received.

UPDATE 7/2 - RIOC responds to July 4 Ticket complaints. According to RIOC:

Over the course of 20 years, Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) has provided safe, enjoyable, and accessible opportunities to view the Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular. In so doing, RIOC has proudly partnered with community stakeholders such as FDR Four Freedoms State Park and Cornell Tech, among others, to optimize viewing experiences for this event. However, RIOC also has an obligation to maintain the health and public safety of its community and visitors alike. And, in order to do so, certain public safety controls such as ticketing, wrist-banding, security checkpoints, cooling stations, and first-aid must also be in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience within FDR Freedoms State Park and the lawns at Cornell Tech.

As such RIOC reserves the right to limit capacity in an effort to accomplish this mandate. And, despite rumors that have circulated in the community, RIOC has not, and does not reserve tickets for staff. 

We understand that this limited capacity will disappoint some residents who were unable to secure tickets to the FDR Four Freedoms State Park portion of the viewing event. But we encourage non-ticket holders to enjoy the lawns at Cornell Tech, as viewing of the fireworks will be possible at these locations. Additionally, attendees of the lawns at Cornell Tech will have full access to all event amenities including food trucks, restrooms, security checkpoints, first-aid, and cooling stations. 

We wish you all a safe and happy fourth of July!

I followed up asking RIOC Public Information Officer Amy Smith: 

... I think most  people understand the need to limit ticket capacity for health and safety concerns.

What gets residents upset is that the online ticket registration process is sold out after 2 minutes and that no process was set up to give Roosevelt Island residents priority for the tickets as has been done every year in the past.

Any comment from RIOC on that issue?


How many total tickets were available for the July 4 FDR Park Fireworks viewing online registration today?

RIOC said on Monday there were 1500 tickets but the Eventbrite registration page said only 1100 tickets were available.

Which number is accurate? Why are the numbers different?

Also, are there any tickets distributed through sources other than the online registration process? Does FDR Park, NY State or any other entity have an allotment of tickets?

If yes, how many tickets and what are those other sources?...
Will update if RIOC answers.