Sunday, June 27, 2021

Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin Social Distancing Capacity Limitations Are Over, Tram Returns To Full Capacity Service Monday June 28 Says RIOC - Face Coverings Still Required On Tram

 The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced on May 21, 2020:

... Tram Passenger Limits

In an effort to ensure social distancing and reduce spreading COVID-19, the Roosevelt Island Tram will be limited to a maximum of thirteen (13) passengers until further notice. POMA, the tram’s operator, has installed social distancing decals on the tram cabin to inform passengers how far away they should be standing from each other. Please note that the number of passengers may be changed in response to COVID-19 infection rates....

During the past year, Roosevelt Island Tram social distancing capacity limitations gradually increased to the current 55 and starting tomorrow will return to the pre-covid full Tram cabin capacity of 110 passengers.

According to RIOC:

As New York continues to move forward after reaching a 70% vaccination rate, the Roosevelt Island Tram will return to full capacity starting on Monday, June 28th.

Face coverings are still required on the Roosevelt Island Tram.