Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Status Of Roosevelt Island New Tram Station Elevators, Southpoint Park Shoreline, FDR Hope And Nelly Bly Memorial Projects Among Items Discussed In RIOC President Shelton Haynes June 24 Community Report To Board Directors - Dog Run, Food Pantry, Horticultural Beautification Strategy, Road Striping And More Too

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes presented his Community Report to the the June 24 RIOC Board of Directors Meeting,  

Mr Haynes began his report by congratulating Roosevelt Island resident and long time RIOC Board Director David Kraut for his 27 years on the RIOC Board and virtually presented Mr. Kraut with a plaque commemorating his service.

Here's video of the RIOC President's Report.

Mr Haynes announced upcoming Roosevelt Island Community events,

updates on a variety of issues,

closing of the Swift Covid 19 Pop Up testing site,

status of new Tram Station Elevator 

Southpoint Park Shoreline

and Nelly Bly Memorial Projects.

Also discussed in the President's report were: