Monday, August 9, 2021

Are You Committed To Climate Action? Join The Cornell Climate Stewards Volunteer Training Certificate Program To Become Roosevelt Island Climate Science, Adaption And Mitigation Leader - Expect Significant Jump In Extreme Weather Over Next 20 To 30 Years Warns New UN Report

As previously reported, Engaged Roosevelt Island was formed in 2019 with the help of a grant from Cornell Tech:

... to promote environmental understanding and boost sustainable practices on Roosevelt Island. Throughout the year there will be engagement events to foster collaboration with residents, community groups, schools, building managers, island businesses, RIOC, RIRA and elected officials toward a cleaner and healthier neighborhood....

Following up on their February 5,2020 Eco-Ambassador program,  Engaged Roosevelt Island announced today:

Hello Engaged Roosevelt Islanders!

We are excited to make you aware of a wonderful opportunity to continue the work of Engaged RI.

Become a Climate Steward!

As you know, the mission of Engaged Roosevelt Island is to foster environmental understanding and boost sustainable practices on Roosevelt Island. You will remember that back in February of 2020, a number of you attended our event where we discussed ways that you could become an “Eco-Ambassador”  -  someone who is interested in hands-on work to further our mission. Becoming a Climate Steward is a wonderful way to do that. Sign up to become a Climate Steward!  Please see the details attached and below to see if this VERY INTENSIVE program is right for you and how you can participate.

Thanks so much.

The Engaged Roosevelt Island Team

Cornell Climate Stewards Training   

Thursday evenings from 6:00pm - 8:00pm via Zoom  

From September 9, 2021 – December 9, 2021 
(12 weeks – skipping November 11th & 25th)  


Registration is now open! Space is limited. There are 10 spots available. 

This opportunity will be extremely valuable to the Engaged Roosevelt Island Eco Ambassadors.   


Cornell Climate Stewards is a volunteer training certification program created to help local residents become climate science, adaptation and mitigation leaders for their community. It provides training on these subjects and more through Cornell Cooperative Extension to interested volunteers in New York. The 2021 training will be led by Cornell, CCE, CUCE-NYC, and Sea Grant staff from across NYS.   


The program equips local volunteers with effective communication techniques and strategies to work with local governments. To complete the certification process post training, the volunteers will assist in developing projects in their neighborhood to become more climate smart.    


For registration details, click HERE

Registration Deadline: Friday, August 27th, 2021 (or earlier if course becomes full).

Roosevelt Island Cornell Climate Stewards have a difficult, but essential, job ahead.

Here's the UN Climate Change report.

Learn more about Engaged Roosevelt Island

and click here to register for one of the 10 Cornell Climate Stewards spots.