Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Roosevelt Island Southpoint Park $11 Million Shoreline Renovation Project Will Open To Public This Weekend Says RIOC President - Pedestrian Pathway Widened And Some Benches Repositioned To Face East River After Community Input

The $11 million Roosevelt Island Shoreline renovation project to fix the crumbling Southpoint Park seawall and provide public access to previously fenced in areas adjacent to the East River will open this weekend.

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes announced today on his Instagram account:

... Southpoint Park Rip Rap Revetment project will be opening this weekend. This is one of those transformative projects that will truly enhance your Roosevelt Island experience. This $11million project has been completed on time and $1million under budget…. Kudos to our RIOC team and affiliates.

Today, I walked around the Southpoint Park shoreline area that is still behind fencing facing Queens

and Manhattan

After earlier criticism by some residents, RIOC has re-positioned some, but not all, benches to now face the East River instead of facing away as they were originally installed. 

Also, the pedestrian pathway on the Queens side appears to have been widened

by removing the sidewalk slabs of rock that were originally installed as seen below

after complaints by residents.

This is what the Southpoint Park Queens side shoreline looked like before the renovation of the area.

More on the Southpoint Park shoreline renovation project, including some community opposition, at this prior post. 

UPDATE 11/26 - RIOC announced this afternoon:

Roosevelt Island community!

The Southpoint Park Shoreline Restoration project is complete and will be open to the public, tomorrow, Saturday, November 27th, at 5 PM, showcasing its two newly expanded and improved waterfront promenades.

The project, while providing enhanced scenic views in and around the park, included measures to protect 1,600 linear feet of shoreline and incorporated nearly 34,000 square feet of new, indigenous landscaping. 

Come out and enjoy spectacular city views from expanded lookout points, quiet strolls through winding pathways lined with lush vegetation, and a chance to rediscover the riverfront while relaxing on accessible seating.