President Joe Biden Visits Jacob Blackwell PS 111 School A Few Blocks From Roosevelt Island To Learn About Community Capacity Development Gun Violence Prevention Program Yesterday - Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Advocates For Gun Safety Legislation
President Joe Biden
was only a few blocks away from Roosevelt Island learning about the community
based gun violence prevention program from
Community Capacity Development
during a visit to
Jacob Blackwell PS 111 school
in nearby Long Island City.
Today, President Biden @POTUS visited Jacob Blackwell PS 111 in Queens on 37th Ave a few blocks from Roosevelt Island to learn about community based gun violence prevention program
— Roosevelt Islander (@Rooseveltisland) February 4, 2022
... Biden visited P.S. 111 Jacob Blackwell, located at 37-15 13th St., to meet with school principal Dionne Jaggon and local violence interrupter teams tasked with de-escalating conflicts before they turn violent. The elementary school is situated between the Queensbridge and Ravenswood Houses– two NYCHA complexes where there have been several shootings in the past two years....
... Jaggon told Biden that the violence interrupter teams – operated by a non-profit group called Community Capacity Development (CCD) — had significantly reduced violence levels at the school, which had around 330 students enrolled last year. The violence interrupter teams, Jaggon told Biden, use tools such as conflict mediation—which have made the school safer. She said the CCD has also joined forces with the school to address food insecurity, financial illiteracy and a lack of after-school programming for students....
President @JoeBiden Visits #LIC School to Learn About Programs Aimed at Stopping Violence #POTUS #Queens @QueensDAKatz @juliej_won
— QueensPost (@queenspost) February 4, 2022
The President echoing the words of K Bain in New York as Founder of Community Capacity Development met with the President and had discussions on ways to end Gun Violence across the country.
— Community Capacity Development (@ccdworldwide) February 4, 2022
CBS New York
reports on President Biden's visit yesterday.
Here's more video from President Biden's visit to PS111 school in Long Island
City with the
Community Capacity Development
Roosevelt Island Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney adds:
I want to thank President Biden for coming to New York City today to announce more actions to treat the gun violence epidemic as the public health crisis it is. In the first month of this year alone, we have lost more than 3,000 American lives to gun violence — we must honor all the victims with action. I am hopeful that with the President’s support, we can break the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress and finally pass meaningful, life-saving legislation.
I am especially encouraged by President Biden’s focus on stopping the interstate flow of guns through the ‘Iron Pipeline’ and will continue to push my legislation to make gun trafficking and straw purchases a federal offense. For too long, the ‘Iron Pipeline’ has enabled people to skirt New York’s strong gun laws. In New York City alone, as many as 74% of the firearms used in crimes were trafficked from other states with weak gun laws.
On my way to see President @JoeBiden & Mayor @ericadamsfornyc to talk gun safety and gun violence prevention. The uptick in gun violence in NYC is devastating, but we have the tools and legislation to put words to action and help keep NYers safe.
— Carolyn B. Maloney (@CarolynBMaloney) February 3, 2022
And with our indefatigable Congresswoman, @RepMaloney
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) February 3, 2022
In February 2021,
Congresswoman Maloney introduced gun safety legislation.