Thursday, April 7, 2022

Do You Like Donuts And Want To Help Roosevelt Island Youth? Here's A Twofer, Buy A Dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts And Help PS/IS 217 Middle School Students Raise Funds For End Of Year Activities And Celebrations

 Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 parent Yitza Martinez reports:

The P.S/ I.S 217 Middle school is having a fundraiser to help raise money for their end of year activities and celebrations. Of course it can't be done without the help of our wonderful and caring community. With that said, Who likes donuts? Who likes to help the youth? Well here's a twofer... Buy a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts and help the kids celebrate. How yummy does that sound?
Click here to order.

The Food Network shows us how Krispy Kreme donuts are made.


More info on PS/IS 217 from NYC Department of Education and the school's website.