Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Sponsored Post - iDig2Learn Is Thrilled To Present Bellies, Bins & Beauty Upcoming Free February/March Events For All Ages - Eat More Food, Waste Less, Compost & Restore Beauty, RSVP With Keywords Now

Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn Founder Chrisina Delfico reports:

Come show your Earth Love! 

iDig2Learn is thrilled to present the Bellies, Bins and Beauty 2023 freeevents. This initiative focuses on food, how to prepare and eat more of it and waste less. We will also take a deeper look at valuing the resources right before us, like food scraps which can be dropped off to become compost. We then use that nutrient-rich compost to restore the beauty of our neighborhood trees and flowers and even ourselves by growing edible food completing the cycle. It truly is a win-win. Thanks to all our guests who will share their knowledge, we can't wait to learn more and make new friends. All ages welcome.

Find a date or two that work for you, your friends and family and RSVP by emailing the event keyword(s) to idig2learn@gmail.com for event confirmation and location. 

Please mention the number of people you hope to attend. Space is limited, RSVP to secure your spot. And don't worry if you can not make this round we will continue with more events soon.

This program is made possible due to the generous support via NYS Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright and administered through the Office of Children and Family Services

In August 2021, Anthony Longo gave a brief recap about the iDig2Learn Bellies, Bins and Beauty Initiative

and Ms Delfico added a bit more detail.

Visit the iDig2Learn website and Instagram Page for more info.