Wednesday, February 15, 2023

RIVAA Gallery Artists Collaborating With Cornell Tech Students Remaking The City Class To Envision Future Look Of Roosevelt Island Architecture

I asked RIVAA Gallery:

Can you tell me more about the virtual reality project with Cornell Tech?

RIVAA Gallery artist Laura Hussey answered:

Tapan Parikh’s class, Remaking the City is envisioning what the architecture on Roosevelt Island might look like in the future based on the population, location and cultural diversity of Roosevelt Island.

Students will work in teams and design and build a physical model of their designs. A virtual reality model for viewing will then be created.

Five RIVAA artists will interact with the teams at specific times during the semester to give advice on how the projects are progressing from an aesthetic point of view and to make suggestions. This will allow the possibility for the students to envision their designs from a very different, non technical perspective and give them ideas they might wish to incorporate. 

At the conclusion of the semester the students projects may be critiqued by RIVAA on a design basis and placed on display at RIVAA gallery.