Sunday, December 10, 2023

Watch Roosevelt Island Kids Sing And Dance At Last Friday's Holiday Tree Lighting - And Then Santa Arrives With Ms Claus To Light The Holiday Tree

The Roosevelt Island Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony last Friday evening featured performances from the PS 217 Beacon Program kids dancing

and songs from the Roosevelt Island Youth Center


and Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts.


(The Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance performed a song from their upcoming Anastasia musical but I didn't get any video of it - Sorry)

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso greeted Santa Claus and Mrs Claus

 followed by the Holiday Tree Lighting countdown.


First time host of the Roosevelt Island Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony Bryant Daniels did an excellent job and Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cuneen did a good job welcoming the community to the event.

RIOC President Shelton Haynes was not seen at the Holiday Tree Lighting.