You're Invited To Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Zoom Meeting Monday March 4 - RIOC Update, Intro To New Citizen Project Solutions Platform & Southpoint Park Pocket Forest On Agenda
You're invited to attend the March 4 Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee meeting via Zoom.
According to the CB 8 Roosevelt Island Committee March 4 meeting Agenda:1. RIOC Update
2. Introducing The Citizen Project, whose aim is to leverage technology to better serve our community. The technology platform they are building is based on a community-driven, bottom-up approach, where RI residents are an integral part of designing and developing solutions to urban challenges.
- A. The Citizen Project vision
- B. Overview of the platform
- C. Ways to get involved or stay informed
3. Creating Miyawaki Method Pocket Forest in Southpoint Park, Roosevelt Island (presented by iDig2Learn) Old Business New Business
4. New Business
5. Old Business
For access to the Zoom meeting, sign in by clicking this link.