Monday, March 4, 2024

Does Roosevelt Island Want Or Need A $7.9 Million Motorgate Bike Ramp From Bridge Helix To Promenade And $7.3 Million Queens Side Bike Lane? What Are The Roosevelt Island Spending Priorities?

Image From RIOC
During the February 15, 2024 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) meeting, Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen described the planned $15.2 million Roosevelt Island Helix Bike ramp and East (Queens) Side bike lane project.

Image From RIOC

Former RIOC Board Director Margie Smith was one of the residents attending the meeting and asked:

... Is this a done deal? Every time it came up we asked about it we were told oh don't worry we're just discussing it. It doesn't sound like we're just discussing it anymore. Of all the things we have to do on the island we're going to spend this kind of money on a bike ramp? Seriously?

... If we had a ton of money and we were just flush, great. Meanwhile the nonprofits are dying, we're tripping and falling all over the sidewalks. What the hell are we spending this kind of money for?...

Roosevelt Island resident, Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Chair and bike rider Paul Krikler said:

... I'm not here to argue exactly what this should look like and you're right about certain features of this and also the cost. I get that and I'm glad to see the federal grant money will be applied for and hopefully we'll get that.

What I really want to register with the RIOC board and RIOC itself is that we do need to examine exactly where we are right now, in the middle of six months of Transit Hell.

It's not just people who live here. Other people who come here as well would want to use a bike, not just visitors to cycle around but to come and visit people or to do things here. We should be using every opportunity we have to get as many options as we can for people to do lots of things, again not withstanding specific objections...
RIOC Board Director Howard Polivy reported:
... We're going to be talking about priorities...

... We'll keep these comments in mind. The reason I originally wanted to have a ramp like that...  we were working on the main Helix I wanted there to be a Plan B...
Mr Polivy is referring to access from the Roosevelt Island Bridge to Main Street while work was being done on the helix ramp repair in 2018.

RIOC Deputy Counsel Gerrald Ellis, representing the new interim RIOC Leadership added:

...  I can't vouch for all those decisions made by our prior predecessors...

Here's the full February 15, 2024 REDAC Bike Ramp/Lane discussion.

In December 2020 the projected budget for the Bike Ramp was $4 million.

Image From RIOC

Here's more on the proposed Roosevelt Island Motorgate Bike Ramp from RIOC.