Saturday, March 9, 2024

You're Invited To Sunday Afternoon Double Header At Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery Tomorrow - An Afternoon Of Baroque Chamber Music And Free Improvisation Followed By International Illustration Exhibition & Art Fair Opening Reception

According to the Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery

Double Header at RIVAA Gallery

Sunday, March 10th

3:00 PM Chamber Music & Improvisation

4:30 PM Silent Planet Opening Reception

RIVAA Gallery presents a new chamber music series, the only one of its kind offered to audiences in New York City with a specific focus on Baroque, Classical and Romantic chamber repertoire played on 18th and 19th century period instruments. The series is directed by Roosevelt Island resident Yiheng Yang, faculty at The Juilliard School of Music and leading historical keyboard player. Yang’s vision is for world-class music-making and creative collaboration between top historical performance artists, bringing the best of classical music to the Island.

The next concert “Baroque Chamber Music and Free Improvisation,” is on Sunday, March 10th at 3pm. It features sonatas and trios by JS Bach and Handel, interspersed with improvisations by flugelhorn and cornetto player Matt Lambiase, in dialogue with Dongmyung Ahn, Baroque violin, Max Zeugner, bass, and Yiheng Yang, harpsichord. Entry is complimentary, and the suggested donation is $25, $10 for students and seniors, to support the performing artists and RIVAA so we can continue to bring you these events and programs.

Stay for the opening reception of "Silent Planet”, an International Illustration Exhibition and Art Fair, which is on display from March 8 - 14. On Sunday, March 10th, the opening reception will begin at 4:30pm immediately following the concert.

Located at 527 Main Street on Roosevelt Island, RIVAA Gallery features art by local, national and international artists bringing diverse and exciting exhibitions to the community and greater New York City area.


Enjoy a few minutes from the January 7 RIVAA Gallery Sunday Afternoon of Chamber Music.

More info on RIVAA Gallery at their website and Instagram Page.