Eileen Fisher Free Renew, Reuse And Rewear Women's Clothing Giveaway At Roosevelt Island Carter Burden Older Adult Center Saturday June 1 - Over 75 Thousand Eileen Fischer Garments Were Donated To Non Profits And Given Away Last Year
The Carter Burden Network Roosevelt Island Older Adult Center (546 Main Street) is hosting their semi-annual Renew, Reuse and Rewear Clothing Giveaway of Eileen Fisher women's clothing on Saturday June 1. According to the Carter Burden Network Roosevelt Island Older Adult Center:
Join us for the semi-annual Eileen Fisher clothing giveaway and have a chance to get your favorite clothing item for free.Here's more on the Eileen Fischer Renew Program. In 2023, over 75 thousand Eileen Fischer garments were donated to non profit organizations to be given away.