Monday, May 27, 2024

On Memorial Day, We Honor Men And Woman Of US Military Who Died Protecting Our Freedoms And Serving Our Country - Taps From West Point, Wreath Laying At Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, Observance At Arlington National Ceremony And History Of Memorial Day

Please take some time today on Memorial Day to honor the men and women of the United States Military who died while serving our country as well as their families.

According to

Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday of May, commemorates the men and women who died while serving in the American military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer...

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves...

President Biden joins the Memorial Day wreath laying ceremony today at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier

and the observance at Arlington National Cemetary.

Memorial Day was observed in NYC today too.