Thursday, May 23, 2024

Passion To Create A Happier World For Cats And The Humans Who Love Them Sparked Idea For First Children's Book By Author And Roosevelt Island Resident Stephen Quandt - Follow The Adventures Of Happy Comes Home

Roosevelt Island resident Stephen Quandt works as a nationally recognized, certified feline training and behavior specialist, based in New York City with his company Stephen Quandt Feline Behavior Associates. 

Mr Quandt is now a recently published children's book author of Happy Comes Home.

According to Mr Quandt:

I started working with cats and clients in 2002, and in time began working for the ASPCA. I now work at one of the largest open admission shelters in the country, the Animal Care Centers of NYC. My passion is to create a happier world for cats and the humans who love them, and this passion sparked an idea for my first children’s book; Happy Comes Home. My husband Thom illustrated the book and we wrote it as a way of connecting with people, children and their families who either want to get a cat, or maybe have a cat who has some behavior challenges, or just love a great feel-good story about a cat!

Photo Credit Linda Becker

The premise is we have a family: mom, dad and their child Avery who all want a cat (Avery very much wants a cat!) and they go to a shelter and find a sweet looking cat whom they name ‘Happy’. They adopt Happy and bring this wonderful cat home imagining all the great things Happy would do, like stretch out on the sofa purring, sleep at the foot of Avery’s bed, and eat yummy food while the family ate their dinner. But when they got Happy home, it was a “cat-tastrophy!” Happy scratched up the sofa, stole the family’s dinner and woke the parents up in the wee hours of the night. The parents wanted to return Happy but Happy was Avery's best friend, so something had to be done.

The family did some online research and found a certified ‘Catsultant’ named Mr. Top Cat who coincidentally resembles a feline version of myself. Mr. Top Cat appears at the door to help set things right. And what follows are a series of easy to take in teachable moments that help guide the family and Happy so that everyone can be the happiest versions of themselves. Mind you, Happy has always been a super happy cat, just a cat without manners!

Thus begins the adventures of a cat, a child, and a family trying to find the happiness so many of us seek with our feline friends. Would Happy be allowed to stay? Would Happy settle down? The answers lie in the bond between Happy and Avery, and the common sense behavior tools that Mr. Top Cat brings to the family using his deep understanding of the nature of cats.

You can purchase Happy Comes Home at Amazon.

Learn more about Mr Quandt at his website.

Also, Mr Quandt shares his experiences Helping The Dogs Of Chernobyl at this prior post.