Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Watch Video Of RIOC Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen Describe Current State Of Roosevelt Island Red Bus Service, How We Got Here and Future Solutions During RIOC September 19 Board Of Directors Meeting

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen reported to the September 19, 2024 RIOC Board of Directors meeting on the current state of the Red Bus service, how we got here and future improvements. According to Ms Cunneen:

I'm going to talk about the most unpopular topic on the Island tonight. Our Red Bus service. I'd like to start by sincerely saying that we understand how challenging and frustrating the last months have been and we're doing everything we can to increase and maintain better service on the island....

Watch the video of Ms Cunneen's 21 minute Red Bus Presentation.

It's a very interesting and thorough presentation.