Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Portions Of Roosevelt Island Coler Hospital Without Power - Most Vulnerable Patients Evacuated To Nearby Goldwater Hospital

 Image of Coler Goldwater Hospital From NY Hospital Flowers

Earlier this afternoon reader Mike G asked:
Anyone know what's going on at the north end? A train of ambulances (10 maybe?) just went by 40 RR heading north...
Then I saw ths tweet:
and received this tip from a reliable source:
Mike G question about ambulances and ambulettes headed north to Coler might be to transport some patients to Goldwater.

Coler having power probs
Goldwater has power and the room.
National guard moving 90+ patients.

16 ambulances making several trips for about 90 patients.
 I sent the following inquiry to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
 I am told that Coler Hospital is evacuating patients. Is that true.

Do you have any additional info on the matter

Thank you
Received no response from RIOC.

Sent the same inquiry to Assembly Member Micah Kellner. Mr. Kellner replied:
the most vunerable being moved to Goldwater.  Others are resting in place. 
Thank you Mr. Kellner for the answer.

A Goldwater patient adds:
A big thank you, for goldwater staff. The have been heroic working 48 hours
Some recent tweets concerning Coler Hospital:
Here's Mayor Bloomberg's Press Conference this afternoon on NYC's recovery from Hurricane Sandy. No mention of the problems at Roosevelt Island's Coler Hospital from Mayor Bloomberg.