Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Democratic Party NYC Council Nominee To Represent Roosevelt Island Julie Menin Hosting Thank You District 5 Celebration Friday Evening July 23 At Good Shepherd Plaza, Refreshments Provided Too - General Election November 2 Versus Republican Candidate Mark Foley

Julie Menin won the Democratic Party Primary to represent Roosevelt Island, the Upper East Side and East Harlem in New York City Council District 5.

Ms Menin is hosting a Thank You District 5 Meet the Candidate celebration 7 PM Friday, July 23 at Good Shepherd Plaza. You're invited.

I interviewed Ms Menin last January as she was campaigning at the Roosevelt Island Farmers Market

and Ms Menin spoke with Roosevelt Island residents Joyce Short and Ellen Polivy for a Fireside Chat as well.

Ms Menin's general election opponent to succeed the current, term limited, NYC Council Member Ben Kallos to represent Roosevelt Island, the UES and East Harlem in NYC Council Distrct 5 is the Republican Candidate Mark Foley.
The General Election is Tuesday, November 2.