Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wildfire Smoke From Western US And Canada Brings Unheathy Air Quality And Covers NYC Skies Yesterday As Seen From Roosevelt Island

According to July 21 NY Times article:

Wildfire smoke from Canada and the Western United States stretched across the continent this week, covering skies in a thick haze and triggering health alerts from Toronto to Philadelphia. Air quality remained in the unhealthy range across much of the East Coast on Wednesday morning as the haze pushed southward....
... As the smoke moved eastward across Toronto, New York and Philadelphia on Tuesday, concentrations of dangerous microscopic air pollution known as PM2.5 (because the particles are less than 2.5 microns in diameter) reached highs in the “unhealthy” range for most of the day....

The Roosevelt Island sky looked like this from the wildfire smoke yesterday.

And rest of New York City.

UDPATE 7/22 - Roosevelt Island resident Tanya Morrisett adds yesterday:

Our bridge, Big Allis, and the sun (With a little smoke from the west)