Wednesday, October 13, 2021

NYC Pollinator Group Visits Wonderful Roosevelt Island Community Garden To Learn And Share Best Practices On Bees, Native Plants, Composting & More - Trip Through Bamboo Forest Too

The NYC Pollinator Working Group:
... networks and collaborates to conserve beneficial pollinating insects and the resources they need to survive. Our members work on a variety of projects that support pollinator habitat in public and private spaces, provide educational outreach on pollinator protection, and develop advocacy programs and policies around pollinator conservation. Our goal is to be a model for creating pollinator sustainability in urban environments.

Last Friday, the NYC Pollinators visited Roosevelt Island and toured our Community Garden hosted by local residents Christina Delfico of iDig2Learn and Julia Ferguson of the Roosevelt Island Garden Club.

I spoke with Ms Delfico, Chrissy Ward of the City Parks Foundation and Emily Fano of the National Wildlife Federation about the mission of the NYC Pollinators group and their visit to Roosevelt Island. According to Ms Fano:

... One really important thing that I think our group does is celebrate wild bees and wild pollinators. Alot of people think about pollinators, they think about honeybees but there's a lot more to pollinators than honeybees. There's wild bees, there's butterflies, there's beetles, there's flies, there's wasps and moths. There's a whole world of pollinators out there and the native plants that they depend on which are so important.

The group also learned about Roosevelt Island composting efforts at the Community Garden from Green Roosevelt Island Neighbors (GRIN) Founder Anthony Longo.

followed by a tour of the Garden's Bamboo Forest.

Ms Ferguson adds:

Chris Kreussling, a/k/a The Flatbush Gardener was on the tour too and created a fantastic Place and Project on iNaturalist for the Roosevelt Island Garden Club - check it out.