Saturday, May 7, 2022

Roosevelt Island Celebrates I Love My Park Day This Morning At FDR Four Freedoms Park - Volunteers Assembled Colorful Adirondack Chairs To Be Placed On Great Lawn And Were Joined By Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, NY State Parks Commissioner, Park & Trails NY And Woolrich Outdoors Foundation

On a cold and rainy May 7 Saturday morning,  Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney,

Four Freedoms Park Conservancy CEO Howard Axel, NY State Parks Department Commissioner Erik Kulleseid,

Woolrich Outdoors Foundation representative Allesandro Villa and Parks & Trails NY Director of Development Linden Horvath joined with a group volunteers at FDR Four Freedoms Park to celebrate I Love My Park Day by 

assembling 50 Adirondack Chairs 

to be placed on the park's Great Lawn for visitors to enjoy thru May and maybe longer.

According to Parks & Trails NY:

I Love My Park Day, held the first Saturday in May, attracts thousands of volunteers from across the state to participate in cleanup, improvement, and beautification events at New York State parks, historic sites and public lands. Join us to celebrate New York's park system and prepare our public lands for spring by cleaning up park lands and beaches, planting trees and gardens, restoring trail and wildlife habitat, removing invasive species, and working on various site improvement projects