Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Dr Kathy Grimm And RIRA Working To Bring Comprehensive Health Care Facility To Roosevelt Island - Do Local Residents Need And Support A Local Health Care Facility?

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney joined with Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Rossana Ceruzzi, long time and soon to retire Roosevelt Island pediatrician Dr Kathy Grimm and a group of about 20 concerned residents 

to explore plans to bring a comprehensive health care facility to Roosevelt Island during a Saturday, June 11 morning meeting at Cornell Tech. Following the meeting, Dr Grimm took Congresswoman Maloney on a tour of the medical offices she currently shares with Dr Jack Resnick at 520 Main Street. That office is hoped to be the future home of a new Roosevelt Island comprehensive medical facility.

I spoke with Ms Maloney and Doctor Grimm after the office tour which included the room where an X-Ray machine was left by the Urgent Care company that vacated the premises several years ago. According to Ms Maloney:

I'm here with Dr Katherin Grimm who has served this community for many years. She regretfully is going to cut her hours back and we need another medical facility here on the Island. 

We just had a meeting with community leaders. We have come up with a plan. We are going to approach RIOC to see if they will buy into it and support it.

 We are conducting a survey of the residents of the Island. If they would use this facility if a world-class medical establishment came in. 

Medical care is needed on the Island not only for Covid shots and treatment but for pediatrics and for all types of care. 

I hope I'll be able to work with community to achieve this goal

During the meeting at Cornell Tech, RIRA President Rossana Ceruzzi told the group she has spoken with Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes about the proposed new medical facility for 520 Main Street. Ms Ceruzzi requested RIOC and Hudson Related (the Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder) provide some incentives such as free rent for a period of time to a new medical practice as an inducement to open on Roosevelt Island. Ms Ceruzzi said Mr Haynes indicated he was open to the idea and is willing to explore it further.

Ms Maloney and Ms Ceruzzi hope to attract a first class medical provider such as Weill Cornell Medicine, NYU Langone or Northwell to a new Roosevelt Island facility.

On Roosevelt Islander Instagram page, I asked if Roosevelt Island residents need and support a local health care facility. Responses included:

  • We will miss you Dr. Grimm. We definitely need a pediatrician and family Doctor.
  • We need urgent care office with an option to have a rapid PCR tests to be done. And general physician office if possible.
  • Yes, we need local health care to Ri
  • Yes, please!!!!!!
  • I hope they do quickly
  • Yes!!! We need a multi specialty care practice and urgent care facility years ago!!!
  • Need a pediatrician

Roosevelt Island resident Christina Delfico adds:

Supporting the health of people and planet is vital. Local access to pediatric care sets children up for a bright future. As the doctor of the only Roosevelt Island pediatric office retires, please don’t let that close the door on services for our community - help us keep care local to serve the population now and into the future. Roosevelt Island needs healthcare access locally.

Stay tuned for an upcoming survey that will be distributed to the Roosevelt Island community about your health care needs.