Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Doordash Resumes Food Delivery Service To Roosevelt Island Thanks To Request From Local Resident And Constituent Services From NYC Council Member Julie Menin Working With Department Of Consumer And Worker Protection - Local Restaurant Helped Too

Here's an example of NYC Council Member Julie Menin providing constituent service to a Roosevelt Island resident, helping a local business and working with the municipal bureaucracy to solve a problem and improve the food delivery quality of life on Roosevelt Island.

As reported May 16, Roosevelt Island resident Theo Wolf:

... asked why DoorDash is no longer making food deliveries to Roosevelt Island:

  ... Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Julie Menin is looking into the matter:

It appears Doordash is no longer delivering to Roosevelt Island because of recently enacted NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) third party delivery app regulations....

On June 9, a spokesperson for Council Member Menin provided an update about Roosevelt Island DoorDash delivery:

Great news! We got an email from DCWP and they said said they fixed the rules so that certain bridges and tunnels are not considered out of the way ie. Roosevelt Island Bridge. So you should be getting deliveries again without issue.

And Ms Menin added:

Roosevelt Islanders have a limited selection of take-out and restaurant options, and my office made it a priority that the rules were amended to take into account Roosevelt Island’s unique situation. I’ve been actively working with the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to make sure that Roosevelt Islanders have access to eateries off the island. I applaud DCWP for correcting this rule that left Roosevelt Island isolated.

Today, Ms Menin tweeted that Doordash has resumed delivering to Roosevelt Island.

 Theo Wolf is happy to learn that DoorDash resumed food delivery to Roosevelt Island:

That's incredible news! Thanks so much for looking into this, and what incredible work by Julie Menin getting this resolved so quickly. It's such a testament to the importance and power of local journalism and local government. It may seem like a small thing, but I know a lot of Roosevelt Islanders were adversely affected by this change, which made the island feel all the more cut off from the rest of the city. Plus I know Zhongzong was really hurting from this, so I hope this helps them out! 

What should Roosevelt Island ask Ms Menin for help with next?