Scenes From Last Saturday's Grow NYC Roosevelt Island Stop N Swap - Over 500 Participants, 4600 Pounds Of Quality Items Donated And 82% Diverted Out Of Landfill
Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn founder Christina Delfico reports on last Saturday's Grow NYC Stop N Swap. According to Ms Delfico:
The GrowNYC numbers are in for the Stop N' Swap held last Saturday November 12 at the Older Adult Center on Roosevelt Island:
- 4,600 lbs. of donations.
- 3,760 lbs. were cycled back into the community.
- Nearly an 82% diversion rate - our best yet.
- The 840 unswapped lbs. were donated at the end of the day.
This year items were themed by room and time allotted entries of fifty people at a time helped give everyone access throughout the day.
We are so grateful to GrowNYC’s staff and volunteers, as well as local youth and Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department, who helped keep things organized and moving slowly at this year’s Stop N’ Swap home - Roosevelt Island Older Adult Center.
Stop N’ Swaps are hosted by GrowNYC year round in various NYC neighborhoods.
We love going to the swap and finding that kitchen item or outfit that is perfectly good to take home. We have reached a tipping point where the majority of people now realize that the over consumption of items wastes so many resources, from fuel to earth materials, and with just a little extra effort good quality items can be re-gifted to others.
Year after year, neighbors come out in droves to provide good quality items no longer needed to our annual Stop N' Swap. This is iDig2Learn's fourth team up with GrowNYC, and 2022 hit an all time high with an 82% diversion rate keeping goods out of the landfill and going right back into community hands. Anything left over is donated to those in need - truly a win-win.