Monday, November 14, 2022

After 11 Years Of Pleading By Cyclists, NYC Department Of Transportation Installs Roosevelt Island Bridge Bike Lane Safety Cover Over Dangerous Metal Grating

As reported in November 2020:

... Roosevelt Island resident Paul Krikler has been working to make the Roosevelt Island Bridge Bike lane safe for cyclists. According to Mr Krikler:

The Roosevelt Island Bridge and bike lane is under the jurisdiction of the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) and the metal grating bike lane safety problem has been reported on as far back as 2011...
After at least 11 years of pleading, the NYC DOT has finally installed a safety covering on the Roosevelt Island Bridge bike lane metal grating. 

Here's what it looked like for cyclists riding over the Roosevelt Island Bridge bike lane new safety covering yesterday.


On Instagram and Twitter, I asked cyclists what they though of the new Roosevelt Island Bridge bike lane safety covering. Responses included:

  • And on both sides! LOVING this. This lousy bike lane kept me on the pedestrian path for years. I was polite but it was inconvenient for everybody. This is a HUGE improvement!
  • It's a significant improvement - although I would advise riders to take it slow in the wet.
  • I was on a group ride once where we hit that bridge and two riders got almost immediate blow outs! This has to be better.
  • Haven't tested it yet, but sure didn't like that bridge before, although the destination is wonderful
  • Oh wow. Can't wait to try it. The metal grating freaked me out! I hope the covering is more anti-skid in the rain. That was not safe before!
  • I like it a lot
  • Much improved from a safety standpoint- my tires no longer slip, which used to occur on the metal surface. The WEBike female bike forum is ecstatic about it as well! I haven’t tried it in rain/wet conditions yet however.
  • Beautiful! The old surface was so scary that I avoided riding over it entirely. This change literally helps connect me and my family.
  • It is noticeable (as an aside) how much less noise the cars are making, when the road doesn't reflect the sound back (but rather let it pass through the grate)
  • Curious how traction will be when wet.
  • Tried it once after rain. Was ok. Haven’t tried it during rain. I’m going to be very cautious.
  • It's a significant improvement - although I would advise riders to take it slow in the wet.
  • I don’t understand why they didn’t cover the full length of the bike lanes but I hope it keeps people from riding bikes and scooters on the walkway. It’s hard enough getting my kid to and from school every day without having to dodge those.
  • Still doesn't stop the idiots from riding on the walkway... 

I spoke with Mr Krikler on October 22 as the DOT began to install the Roosevelt Island Bridge bike lane safety covering.

Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Julie Menin adds: