Friday, February 9, 2024

Scenes From Roosevelt Island Black History Month Celebration Exhibition Opening Reception At RIVAA Gallery, Meet The Heroes: Real & Imagined Artists - Black History Month Student Essay Contest & Jazzy Jam Session Too

This is the last weekend to check out the 2024 Roosevelt Island Black History Month celebration exhibition at RIVAA Gallery. According to RIVAA Gallery:

We are pleased to welcome you to our annual Black History Month exhibition. This year we are celebrating “Heroes: Real and Imagined".

The exhibition is curated by Micheline Hess, a Roosevelt Island resident. A comic creator, artist/illustrator and former RIVAA member, Micheline has reached out to artist/cartoonists for portrayals of their heroes from life or those heroes they have imagined and created. The exhibition opens on January 25 and will be on view at RIVAA Gallery, 527 Main Street, until February 11...

Here are some scenes from the January 27 RIVAA Gallery Black History Month Heroes: Real and Imagined exhibition opening reception.

Micheline Hess is a Roosevelt Island resident and and an artist/curator of the exhibition.

According to Ms Hess:

The name of the exhibit is Heroes: Real and Imagined. Basically what I was seeking to do was find a way to get people starting a discussion about Heroes that both exist in real life as well as the kind of Heroes they have created. as comic artists and illustrators and painters. Characters scenes that depict instances of heroism. In the way of the Arts bringing empowerment. Creating their own characters that they then write or draw their own adventures with... 

Meet the artists showcasing their work at RIVAA Gallery's 

Black History Month exhibition.

Also, Roosevelt Island's NY State Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright is celebrating Black History Month with a student essay contest

and the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) is celebrating with a Jazz concert.