NYC Health & Hospitals Corp Invites Roosevelt Island Residents To May 2 Community Visioning Workshop To Discuss Design And Construction Of Coler East River Flood Mitigation Berm On Current Parking Lot Public Space
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
Dear Roosevelt Island Community:Please join NYC Health + Hospitals/Coler for a community visioning workshop to discuss the design and construction of a new perimeter hazard mitigation system at its long-term care facility this Thursday, May 2nd at Good Shepherd Chapel (details below):
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Open House from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Chapel of the Good Shepherd; 543 Main St, New York, NY 10044
This project will address potential flooding vulnerabilities to protect the skilled nursing facility campus from major storm events. The project team wants your thoughts and ideas for the public space around NYC Health + Hospitals/Coler. Your participation in this workshop will help develop a public space that benefits everyone.
More info available at the Coler Coastal Resiliency Project website.
Click this Project Survey link to give your thoughts and ideas about developing the space around Coler.
Here's the NYC Health & Hospitals Corp March 14, 2024 Coler Berm presentation to the RIOC Real Estate Development Advisory Committee.
Click on 3 dots icon full screen mode for better view of slides.