Friday, May 3, 2024

What's The Deal With Animal Sounds Coming From Car Circling Roosevelt Island Annoying Residents - Moooooooo, Mooooooo

A Roosevelt Island Tipster reports:

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been constantly hearing farm animal sounds (cow moos, rooster cock-a-doodle-doos, horse neighs) while working from my apartment. It seems like it’s a vehicle that keeps driving by as it gets louder and then quieter until it passes, but I haven’t been able to figure it out. Do you or anyone you know hear these sounds? Any idea what is making them? I’m pretty sure Roosevelt Island didn’t open a farm!

Here's the car making animal noises spotted on Main Street this afternoon. 

According to comments on the Roosevelt Islander Instagram page post:

  • I thought i was going crazy. I heard this a little last summer too and a lot more often the past month. I thought i was going crazy as no one knew what i was talking about. Why are they playing these sounds?
  • Car plays the sound all the time as if the residents want to hear the sound all the time. It is very annoying. I spoke to public safety and asked them to stop the car to ask that it not be played so much. Of course they did nothing to stop sound. I don’t know why residents need to hear this constantly. Want to listen to birds not this repeated tape. If you find car parked leave a note to driver with your complaint. Or flag down car and talk to driver.
  • Is there any way we can ask him to stop? It’s really, really annoying at 7am and throughout the day
  • Omg I hear this too
  • I hear it too, so rude
  • Just heard it today. Annoying
  • Heard it today and it sounded like an animal suffering
  • If it’s the same person I’m thinking of in the Challenger, he’s become a staple on the island that we all hear and recognize! For better or for worse 😂
  • That my cousin Julio I’m a tell him chill. He still thinks he is Puerto Rico 😂