Tuesday, April 30, 2024

NY Governor Kathy Hochul Visits Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Campus Today To Announce $275 Million State Investment In Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium - She Also Addresses Columbia University Protests And References FDR Four Freedoms Park

NY State Governor Kathy Hochul visited the Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech campus today to announce the establishment of Empire AI:

... a first-of-its-kind consortium to secure New York’s place at the forefront of artificial intelligence research, as part of the FY 2025 Enacted Budget. The consortium will leverage a $275 million state investment to create and launch a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence computing center on the University at Buffalo’s campus. The center will be used by leading New York institutions to promote responsible research and development, create jobs and advance AI for the public good....

Governor Hochul spoke about the Columbia University protests to assembled media at Cornell Tech after the Empire AI announcement. Governor Hochul referenced the Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park in her statement about the Columbia protest. According to Governor Hochul:

... Let me close with this: we are gathered here on Roosevelt Island, just steps from here is Four Freedoms Park. I’m reminded of Franklin Roosevelt's comments about the freedoms that Americans are entitled to – freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. All of these freedoms are essential. We have a right to speak and to worship. But it must be done without fear. As my predecessor FDR made clear, that is what everyone deserves and we’ll ensure that is the case.

Here's her full statement.

Here's more on the Columbia University protest from the PBS NewsHour today.

Will have more on today's Empire AI announcement at Cornell Tech soon.