Sunday, May 5, 2024

NYC Health & Hospitals Corp Proposes Flood Mitigation Berm Surrounding Roosevelt Island Coler Hospital During May 2 Community Visioning Workshop - Watch Video Of Full Presentation, Q&A With Residents And Take The Online Project Input Survey

Representatives from the NYC Health & Hospitals Corp (H+H)) presented a plan for a proposed flood mitigation berm to surround Coler Hospital 

and answered questions from residents at a May 2 Roosevelt Island community visioning workshop.

... Currently, H+H is in the pre-design phase for a new perimeter hazard mitigation system at NYC H+H/Coler. This mitigation system will create a berm barrier, provide protection for up to a 500-year coastal flood event, and protect the long-term care facility from major storm events....

Here's the May 2 presentation


and more info from NYC Health & Hospitals Corp about the Coler Coastal Resiliency Project.

Click this Project Survey link to give your thoughts and ideas about developing the space around Coler.