Friday, May 10, 2024

2024 Macy's July 4 Fireworks Celebration Moving From East River To The Hudson River, No View From Roosevelt Island This Year - Will You Miss Them?

On April 30, Macy's announced that their annual July 4 fireworks celebration will take place on Hudson River

after being on the East River for the last 10 years. According to Macy's April 30 press release:
On Thursday, July 4th, Macy’s will launch the annual Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks spectacle across the Hudson River, illuminating the New York City skyline through dazzling displays and pyrotechnics. Live spectators and viewers across the nation will be treated to a one-of-a-kind show featuring vibrant colors, shapes, light and sound. This year’s display will feature thousands of shells and an array of effects from barges positioned along the Hudson River with multiple viewing opportunities in Manhattan between West 14th and West 34th Streets and in New Jersey.

“This year’s Macy’s 4th of Fireworks display will launch an inspiring spectacle of patriotic color, light and sound from the Hudson River for the first time in more than a decade....

The East River Macy's July 4 Fireworks gave Roosevelt Island residents fantastic views of the fireworks 


but also brought large crowds of visitors.

In recent years, after the fireworks ended it took about 40 minutes for the large crowds to safely leave Roosevelt Island by Tram or subway under the watchful eye of the NYPD and Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department.

There was also the annual frustration with the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) fireworks ticket lottery for viewing at FDR Four Freedoms Park running out of tickets in less than 5 minutes.

RIOC reported today:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community:

It was announced last week that this year’s Macy’s Fourth of July Fireworks Show will be returning to the Hudson River for the first time since 2013.

Due to this change, Four Freedoms State Park will NOT be hosting their regular ticketed fireworks event this year, as the fireworks will not be visible from this location. RIOC will therefore not be running a ticket lottery or sending out any communications regarding a ticketed July 4th event to the community.

While we still expect higher than average traffic to the island on July 4th, we do not anticipate the numbers to reach what we typically see when the fireworks celebration is hosted on the East River.

Thank you and enjoy the warm spring/summer months!

-RIOC Executive Team

A long time Roosevelt Island resident reacted to the news of Macy's Fireworks moving this year from the East River to the Hudson this way:

Happy Friday!



I, for one, will not miss this one bit. But I’m sure many others will.