Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Benches Removed From Roosevelt Landings Main Street Windowed Atrium Area - Some Residents Unhappy That Long Time Communal Gathering Spot For Elderly And Youth Gone, Others Say It Is Necessary To Be Rid Of Drug Dealing, Loud Music And Loitering

The cement benches inside the Roosevelt Island Main Street windowed atrium were recently removed by Roosevelt Landings building ownership.

I asked Roosevelt Landings managing agent C+C Management:
Why are the sidewalk benches under the arcade being removed? Some residents were pleased they are being removed and others object.

 A C+C Management spokesperson answered:

After multiple discussions with RIOC and Public Safety, the benches were removed to reduce loitering and smoking in the area.

Comments on Roosevelt Islander Instagram post about the bench removals include:

  • It was a nice place to collect thoughts once and a while.
  • The older people will suffer because they sit there and socialize.
  • This is so against the original vibe of the island, it's a communal space , a place for people to gather outside their homes, a place for elderly to see friends and reduce isolation, a place for younger people to 'chat shit' with friends. If there's anti social behavior PSD should intervene, getting rid of the benches is prejudiced and anti community. If the plan (whose plan ? Not people who live here) is to get rid of the coverings then again ...why ?? It enables people to gather in all weather. This makes me sad.
  • It makes me sad every time I come to the island to visit my parents how much they have ruined the place since I left.
  • The problem is that PSD doesn’t intervene- I live above the 560 benches in a street facing apartment and I’ve called PSD countless times at 2am for loud partying on those benches that carries over to the outside of Bread & Butter (not just weekends, but during the week/work nights). PSD comes over, gives them a fist bump, chit chats, and heads back to their HQ- they don’t issue tickets, they don’t break up the party- they just go over, say hello, and leave. I know because I watch and I can hear PSD. If there was a way for residents to enjoy having their windows open while still being able to sleep, it’d be a different story- but if PSD doesn’t enforce noise laws, removing the benches to break up the party seems like the solution. I wish it weren’t so.
  • Please, it is not for socialization. The bench by 560 is for drug dealing and for drug using while they do it infront of their toddlers and kids. 540 recently has become a rapping bench where loud music and drugs start midday until 3-5am non stop. We can argue that your building remove the elements covers that they had to prevent the exact same thing.
  • Honestly I’m glad those benches are gone. Rarely did you see seniors sitting there. It has become an infestation of people smoking weed, drinking and loud music! It’s like Public Safety was afraid to confront them! It’s absolutely a terrible look for this Island!!
  • if you live in the island there are people dealing drugs on this bench. That’s probably why it was removed. Speculating of course. all the elderly who use those benches to get some air and sun and rest on their way home from the train and the store can kick rocks right?
  • They were nice to have during the day, but it’s been really nice to sleep with my windows open for the first time in the 3 years I’ve lived in my current apartment. People are always out partying (loudly) until 4am on the 560 benches and PSD does nothing with the noise complaints called in- the building probably got so many complaints from all the tenants with street side windows who couldn’t open them & enjoy a breeze during the night.
  • Public safety has had years to do their jobs and clear out the overnight loud partying on those benches and they haven’t…despite being 100 feet away in their HQ. It’s a shame we can’t rely on PSD or RIOC to do the bare minimum on this island, but tenants shouldn’t have to suffer because of it (or because of inconsiderate slobs that party there all night and leave all their trash & beer bottles for building staff to clean up every morning).