Friday, January 3, 2025

The Further Adventures Of Rosie,The Roosevelt Island Wild Turkey - Watch Her Sprint To Achieve Takeoff Velocity Flying Up To Her Nightly Roosevelt Island Roosting Tree

The Manhattan Bird Alert and Hanabi have been chronicling the exploits of Rosie the wild turkey since her arrival last May on Roosevelt Island where she has made her home and has become our well liked neighbor.

Yesterday, the Manhattan Bird Alert showed us Rosie flying up to her nightly  Roosevelt Island roosting tree.

Rosie was strolling Main Street this afternoon waiting for the RIVAA Gallery to open.

At other times, Rosie has been spotted hanging out at the Roosevelt Island Starbucks.

Here's more on the adventures of Rosie, the Roosevelt Island wild turkey.

UPDATE 1/4 - Janet Falk adds:

Rosie thinking about what to order at Nisi 12/28/24

Rosie returned to Nisi today 

and was checking out the nearby Island House condos.