Why Is There A Barricade In Front Of Roosevelt Island Main Street Fire Hydrant Next To Deli - RIOC Public Safety Chief Is Asked If It Is A Safety Hazard During RIRA PSC Meeting?
A Roosevelt Island resident recently asked:
Given the tragic fire in the Bronx, I’m curious as to why public safety has refused to remove the barricade in front of the deli, that clearly blocks the fire hydrant, even though I have been told that the fire department told them to remove it.
I get they wanted the cars to stop hanging out but you don't protect a hydrant by blocking it. They originally had the pieces ziptied together. I heard it was to harass the deli because someone in PSD has a beef with them. Either way, it's a huge fire hazard. Completely in violation of city ordinances I guarantee. No one can block a hydrant.
During the January 18 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) monthly meeting chaired by Erin Feeley Nahem, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Chief Kevin Brown was asked about the barricade on Main Street in front of the fire hydrant next to Bread and Butter Deli.
Chief Brown answered:
I have had numerous conversation with the fire department, the fire chief and the fire marshal. If they need to move those barriers they're easily removable.
They have no issue with the barricades and I wrote this to a resident who had emailed me about this issue.
The Fire Marshal, as a matter of fact, he had noticed that on numerous occasions cars are parked on that hydrant when he does his rounds on the Island and it was something that PSD was constantly getting the people off of that hydrant.
They would park there, leave their car and the Fire Department agreed with us that the barriers there, if they need that hydrant they can drive right into the to the barriers, remove them in less than two seconds and get on with their business.
I followed up asked Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso:
Could clarify a little bit why those barrier gates are out in front of the hydrant in front of the deli but they're not out in front of hydrants in other locations?Deputy Chief Amoroso replied:
Click here for the full video of RIRA PSC meeting with Chief Brown and Deputy Chief Amoroso.