Thursday, September 1, 2022

Call For Artists To Submit Design Sketch By September 15 For Selection To Paint Your Mural At Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival On October 1 - RIOC And Gallery RIVAA Working Together To Organize 17th Annual Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) and Roosevelt Island Gallery RIVAA artists are collaborating this year to continue the Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival tradition. 

According to RIOC and RIVAA:

2022 Fall for Arts Festival

Taking place on the Meditation Lawn on Saturday, October 1st from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, this 17th annual festival will include eclectic live painting of original murals, food vendors and more.

This year’s theme, “Celebrating Diversity,” invites artists to envision how celebrating diversity can display how we appreciate our differences and come together as one. After the festival, selected artworks will be displayed at Roosevelt Island’s Motorgate Atrium Gallery. All artwork will remain RIOC property and may be displayed on Roosevelt Island to beautify the community in the future.

Call For Artists!

Mural Artists: RIVAA is looking for artists who are seeking to create works that envision celebrating diversity! Each artist will paint one of several 6’ high by 8’ long or 6’ high by 16’ long murals outdoors during the festival. 

How to Apply: Please submit a sketch of your design, or any inquiries, along with a title and short description of the concept and technical method, based on this year’s theme. Sketches should be sized according to a 6’ high x 8’ long or 6’ high x 16’ long ratio and submitted in jpeg, PDF or hard copy format. Submission does not guarantee selection.

Please submit your sketches by Thursday, September 15th to

Participation in this event is FREE; basic acrylic and spray paints, brushes, and a primed mural surface are provided! Once complete, murals will stay on display outdoors for several weeks.

We welcome your participation and creativity. Good luck!

All event activities will strongly encourage individuals to wear a mask and encourage social distancing.

Here are some of the murals painted at the 2021 Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival.