With Less Than A Month Notice, RIOC Increases Motorgate Parking Fees For Disabled Residents From Zero To $125 Monthly, Elected Officials Ask For A Pause In the Rate Increase - Resident Proposes Expanding Motorgate Garage By Building 500 Spots In Currently Vacant Quadrant Of Area
As far back as 1991, Roosevelt Island disabled residents were allowed to park for free at the Motorgate Garage,
but not any longer.Without any prior notice from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC), invoices were received last month by disabled residents informing them that their Motorgate Garage parking fees were increasing from zero to $125 per month.
On January 17, I asked RIOC President Shelton Haynes and Communications Vice President Akeem Jamal:
I'm being told by disabled Roosevelt Island residents that the Motorgate Garage will start to charge them for Parking beginning in February.Is that true or is it misinformation sent out by the operator as was done last September announcing the doubling of parking rates?
There was no response from RIOC.
During the January 17, Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee meeting, Co-Chair Erin Feely-Nahem asked RIOC Public Safety Department Chief Kevin Brown about the new charges for disabled people parking at the Motorgate Garage. According to Ms Feely-Nahem:
... what are we going to do if people can't afford to pay for their handicapped spots...
Ms Feely-Nahem also expressed concern about increased traffic congestion on Main Street caused by the parking increase at Motorgate Garage.
Here's the RIRA Public Safety Committee discussion on the issue.
Today, Roosevelt Island elected officials including Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, NY State Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright, NY State Senator Liz Kreuger and NYC Council Member Julie Menin sent a letter to RIOC President Shelton Haynes regarding this issue. According to the letter:
We are writing to you regarding the recent monthly increase for disabled permit holders at the Motorgate Garage at 688 Main Street. We ask that you pause on implementing this fare increase and consider a more gradual approach which gives impacted members of the community more time to plan financially and become familiar with the new payment structure....
Here's the entire letter.
On February 2, RIOC sent out this advisory regarding the Motorgate Parking rate increases.
Dear Resident,
RIOC has announced price increases for monthly permit holders at the Motorgate Garage at 688 Main Street. It is important to note that the decision to make increases was not made lightly. Critical infrastructure improvements have been made in the sum of a $20M investment to the Motorgate Parking Garage. With the rise of operating costs, upcoming projects, and worldwide inflation, RIOC has decided to raise its parking rates for the first time in over ten years.
RIOC's approach when examining parking rates centered around a fair and equitable increase for all monthly permit categories. The notification of rate increases began in September 2022. Recently, the disabled and handicapped parking monthly permits have sparked a discussion in the community. To clarify, while RIOC streamlined its monthly permit categories, we observed discrepancies among the rates for certain Island community members. The senior citizen rate is a total of $125. In the spirit of fairness, RIOC matched the senior citizen monthly parking rate to the disability/handicap category.
It should be noted that the average monthly parking permit in New York City is $570, nearly 360% more than what our seniors and handicapped population pay. While many New York City garages do not offer handicap or senior monthly permit rates. RIOC chose not to eliminate these categories as we recognize our incredible elderly and disabled communities.
While no one enjoys hearing the words "price increase," please know that RIOC hears the community's concerns and has considered them. With the Island community at the forefront, RIOC remains far below the city average. Notices for the handicapped/disabled and senior rates went out via email using the addresses on file from the vendor SP+ in December 2022, aligned with the vendor's obligation to give permit holders 30 days’ notice.
Also, to provide you a brief update, RIOC understands the growing need for additional parking on the Island, which is why President & CEO Haynes announced that RIOC has plans for a traffic study aimed to better understand and identify where areas on the Island that can be redesigned for additional designated parking areas and transform underutilized spaces.
We hope to have provided some clarity on the issue and appreciate your understanding in advance.
In February 2022, RIRA Committee Chairs toured the Motorgate Garage exploring ideas for increasing parking spots and RIRA's Frank Farance proposed expanding the garage by building an addition in the currently vacant quadrant of the area.
UPDATE 2/13 - This evening, RIOC sent out the following email announcement:
Dear Roosevelt Island Community,
I have spoken to countless Island residents and stakeholders and have had time to consider your feedback concerning the permit rate increases, specifically the disabled rate at the Motorgate Garage. RIOC remains committed to finding an equitable solution for all. However, RIOC cannot lower the $125 fee and adopt a more minor increase, as this would not be fair to our elderly constituents. In the spirit of impartiality, I must stand by my decision, as both groups should be treated fairly.
To that end, RIOC will compromise as today I am announcing that all Motorgate Garage rate increases will be postponed, to be effective April 1, to ensure ample time is given to all permit holders beyond SP+’s required 30-day notice. The ample notice should provide all permit holders, including our disabled community, more time to plan financially and become familiar with the new payment structure. In the coming weeks, SP+ will communicate the timeframe for crediting permit holders' accounts for those subject to the increase.
For more information or concerns, please contact SP Plus at 1-800-245-4714.
I appreciate your understanding.
Best wishes,
UPDATE 4/10: According to RIOC: Motorgate Garage Monthly Parking Permit Holders,
After careful consideration, RIOC has adjusted the monthly permit rates at the Motorgate Garage – aiming to be fair and equitable to all Island permit holders.
General Update:
Monthly permit holder rates will experience an annual 2% increase to accommodate rising operating expenses and allow for further upgrades to the facility, effective May 1, 2024.
Disabled Monthly Parking Permit Holders:
Beginning May 1, 2023, the Disabled monthly parking permit rate will be reduced from the proposed $125 rate to $62.50 only for existing enrolled customers before April 6, 2023, at 11:59 PM for a period of one year through May 1, 2024. On May 1, 2024, the Disabled monthly rate will be aligned with the Senior Citizen parking rate. All new customers applying for the Disabled monthly parking permit rate will be subject to the proposed $125 rate.
Disabled monthly parking permit holders who were charged for April will be reimbursed by the Garage operator SP Plus.
RIOC remains committed to preserving and protecting the quality of life for all community members while also providing the gold standard of services to our Island community,” said RIOC President and CEO Shelton Haynes. “The disabled community is the heart and soul of the Island, and I thank them for their continued partnership. A special thank you to the President of RIDA, Wendy Hersh, for furthering the discussion and collaboratively working with RIOC to find a more fair solution for all Disabled Parking Permit holders.”
“I want to thank President Haynes and the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation for listening to our concerns and working with us to develop a more affordable parking permit rate for individuals with disabilities,” stated Wendy Hersh, President of the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (RIDA). “We appreciated RIDA having a seat at the table when it came time to re-evaluate these rates, and we look forward to continuing this productive, open, and honest dialogue with RIOC in the future.”
RIOC remains committed to preserving and protecting the quality of life of all community members while providing the gold standard of services. A special thank you to the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association for furthering the dialogue and working with RIOC in a collaborative effort.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.