Thursday, August 22, 2024

Watch Video Of Roosevelt Island Roadways Working Group Meeting Of RIOC Staff And Resident Discussing Z Brick Removal, Main Street Pedestrian/Vehicle Safety, Illuminated And Repositioned Traffic Signage - What Do You Think

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) hosted an August 13 community working group meeting to discuss the Main Street Roadways project with RIOC staff, Board Directors and residents in attendance. RIOC Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen presented phase 1 of the plan which includes the area from Motorgate Plaza to Blackwell Plaza.

Image From RIOC August 13, 2024 Roadways Working Group Meeting

Accordng to Ms Cunneen:

... The Z-bricks are the main focus of phase one, looking at removing those and installing a more stable surface. 

Another existing condition is the signage on the Island. If you go down Main Street you might see several signs on one pole. There's a lot of repetitive signage there and it causes a lot of sign fatigue so drivers don't always know which sign to obey or which sign is pertinent to them. So having a lot of signage on the Island can be more distraction sometimes than actual assistance....

Image From RIOC August 13, 2024 Working Group Meeting

Image From RIOC August 13, 2024 Working Group Meeting

Here's Ms Cunneen's full presentation to the August 13 Roosevelt Island Roadways Community Working Group

and video of the meeting.

RIOC Communications Director Bryant Daniels ended the meeting adding:

... We will schedule another meeting for two weeks from now. I think the idea is we'd like everybody to sort of digest the ideas, think things through and then come back and if you have any new thoughts any new ideas any new feedback we'd really like to hear it....

These types of engagement meetings are really helpful for us and allow us to make informed decisions that hopefully will be well received...