Tuesday, July 30, 2024

RIOC Invites Roosevelt Island Residents To Join Main Street Roadway Project Working Group August 13 Meeting Via Zoom - Hear The Latest Plan And Make Recommendations About Vehicle/Pedestrian Safety And Street Signage

Last March, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced:

At the suggestion of the Roosevelt Island community, RIOC is putting together several new working advisory groups made up of island residents and RIOC personnel to discuss emergent issues on the island. These groups will offer recommendations and feedback to RIOC on some of the most pressing issues we face, from safety and transportation to economic development and capital planning....
Previous working advisory group sessions were on the Tram and Island operations.
Today RIOC announced an upcoming community working group meeting to discuss the ongoing Main Street Roadway project.
According to RIOC:
Dear Roosevelt Island Residents:

RIOC is putting together its next community working group, made up of island residents and RIOC personnel, to discuss the ongoing roadways project along Main Street.

As many have noticed, driving down Main Street is hardly a “smooth ride.” The road, which is still made up of z-bricks in large sections, is bumpy, uneven, and difficult for both motorists and pedestrians to safely navigate, especially at the crosswalks. What’s more, signage around the island can be difficult to understand in some places and contradictory in others, further compounding problems for travelers.

This working group will hear plans about ways to address the issues plaguing Main Street and offer recommendations and feedback to RIOC on managing the overall project, currently scheduled for two phases of work.

The first meeting of the roadways working group will be on Tuesday, August 13th and will meet online via Teams (no Microsoft account necessary to participate).

If you are interested in participating, please fill-out the form at this link: 

This group is a wonderful way for Roosevelt Island residents to get involved and have their ideas heard and discussed with fellow island stakeholders and RIOC.

We look forward to your participation and can’t wait to hear your feedback!

-RIOC Executive Team

During the May 22, 2024 RIOC Real Estate Advisory Developement Committee meeting, Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen discussed the Roadway and Paved Surfaces Rehab Design Plan 

for Main Street between the Blackwell House Traffic Circle and Foodtown/Motorgate crossing.

Here's the Roadway and Paved Surfaces Rehab Design Plan  

REDAC discussion.