Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Do You Want Roosevelt Island Residents To Have Power To Vote For Members Of the RIOC Board Of Directors? NYC Council Member Julie Menin Introduced Resolution For Direct RIOC Director Elections, You Can Testify In Person, Virtually Or Writing Thursday September 19

Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Julie Menin's Director of Constituent Services Harry Gale reports:

... this past February Council Member Julie Menin introduced Resolution 0132,  calling on the NY State Legislature and Government to grant residents of Roosevelt Island the power to vote for members of the board of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation. You can read more about the bill here

Just today, the Council Committee on Government Operations, State and Federal Legislation announced that this bill will be heard during their 10am hearing this Thursday, the 19th. We are encouraging all members of the community to testify either in person at the Committee Room at City Hall, virtually through zoom or you may submit written testimony. To register, please visit  and click on the 9/19 Committee on Government Operations, State and Federal Legislation. Unfortunately, Council Member Menin is not a member of this committee and is already scheduled to speak at a healthcare related conference during this hearing. 

Roosevelt Island resident, Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) member and CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee chair Paul Krikler has been an advocate of elections for Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Directors and organized a petition drive which obtained almost 1100 signatures in support of direct RIOC Board elections. 

I asked Mr Krikler for comment on the resolution. Mr Krikler replied:

I am a member of Community Board 8, but I am commenting in my individual capacity as a resident of RI; As a four year resident of Roosevelt Island, I am thrilled to see Res 0132. I plan on attending the hearing to give testimony in support of this resolution. I will be speaking on behalf of the nearly 1,100 people who signed a petition, we residents started, demanding direct elections of the RIOC Directors. 

We have had too many years of lackadaisical and ineffective management at RIOC. While current interim management are a breathe of fresh air, we need better oversight of RIOC as this is the rarity and not the norm. I encourage others to testify, in person, on zoom or with written testimony. The City Council needs to hear from us all.

Mr Krikler hosted a July 1, 2024 CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting discussion about direct elections of RIOC Board Directors with NY State Senator Liz KruegerAssembly Member Rebecca Seawright and concerned residents. Here's the discussion.

Click here for info to testify on the resolution in support of RIOC Board directors before the 9/19 Committee on Government Operations, State and Federal Legislation in person, virtually by zoom or submit written testimony.

But be aware that the NYC Council has no power to implement RIOC Board elections which is under the jurisdiction of NY State although passing the resolution could have a degree of persuasive authority on the issue with NY State decision makers.