Saturday, September 21, 2024

RIOC And Judy Berdy Install Wild Turkey Signage To Protect Rosie The Roosevelt Island Turkey From Vehicle Traffic As She Crosses Main Street

Reported last August 29 that the folks from the Manhattan Bird Alert: 

... are concerned for the safety of Rosie (A/K/A Astoria) the Roosevelt Island wild Turkey....

and sent a message to me asking: 

We wanted to raise a concern about the Turkey that you might be able to address. Astoria crosses streets every day and that is a bit dangerous. She sometimes appears to wait for traffic to move through. Sometimes people help her make it across safely. And the speed limit is low. 15 mph we believe. All good things.

Maybe you have some ideas on how to make her life even safer. Signage perhaps? Encouraging local drivers to watch out for her? Encouraging pedestrians to help her when she is near the road?

We now have Main Street Wild Turkey Crossing signage 

to protect Rosie 

from oncoming vehicles.

According to the NY Post:

... A concerned neighbor dropped off two of such signs at the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation office Friday morning, which the local governing body said will be erected at some of Rosie’s hangout spots in the next few days.

“I worry because Ms. Turkey, Rosie, she doesn’t have a good sense of direction, and she just walks in the middle of the street. She doesn’t know any better,” Judy Berdy, 77, who made the placards, told The Post....

Tipster Theresa Bosbach shares this photo

of a flyer she spotted in the subway from a writer seeking stories about our Rosie the Roosevelt Island Turkey for an article.