Friday, October 4, 2024

Residents Thank The Wengerd Family For 35 Years Of Dedicated Service Bringing The Saturday Farmers Market To Roosevelt Island

On a rainy afternoon last Saturday, September 30, a group of Roosevelt Island residents gathered under covering to thank and celebrate the Pennsylvania based Wengerd family for 35 years of bringing the Saturday Farmers Market to Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island resident and Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee Chair Paul Krikler organized the gathering and presented Israel Wengerd with a CB 8 resolution honoring the Wengerd Family Farmers Market service to the Roosevelt Island community. The resolution stating in part:

... WHEREAS; The Wengerd Farmers Market has provided an invaluable addition to life on Roosevelt Island over decades; and WHEREAS; The Wengerd Farmers Market crew always leaves the market site spotless at the end of the day;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Community Board 8 Manhattan relishes the opportunity to thank Israel Wengerd, his family, the cashiers and all the other staff for all the years of dedicated service to this community.

Mr Krikler was joined by Amanda Brown of the PS/IS 217 PTA. The PTA runs runs the Farmers Market. Ms Brown presented Mr Wengerd with a painting made by the school's students thanking him for the Farmers Market which provides funding for many of the PTA's programs. 

Here's what happened and

here's the full CB8 resolution.

See you tomorrow at the Roosevelt Island Farmers Market.