Monday, July 5, 2021

Scenes Before, During & After Roosevelt Island Macy's July 4 Independence Day Fireworks Celebration, Spectacular Views From FDR 4 Freedoms Park & Roosevelt Island Bridge, Large Crowds Leaving After Fireworks At Tram And Subway But Handled Well By RIOC And NYPD - Ticket Distribution Questions Remain Unanswered So Far

Roosevelt Island was a spectacular place to watch the Macy's July 4 Independence Day Fireworks Celebration last evening.

The FDR 4 Freedoms Park was a prime viewing location

The Roosevelt Island Bridge had great views of the fireworks too.

Watch video of the full fireworks show seen from the Roosevelt Island Bridge
and FDR Four Freedoms Park

I was told that by 8 PM, approximately 4800 people entered through the Sportspark checkpoint 

to either the Cornell Tech campus 

or FDR Four Freedoms Park. 

After the fireworks there was a long line of visitors leaving Roosevelt Island at the Tram and F subway station. The subway line was gone in about 30 minutes. Don't know about the Tram but have not heard of any issues. 

Jexas Teff has it right:

Props to all the men and women in uniform who spent their holiday working a double to ensure everyone else got to have a safe and fun night! and so does 

YRB Magazine:

yes indeed. Was definitely a fun and safe experience thanks to them!

Good job by Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC), NYPD and NYCEM Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers with crowd control and keeping folks safe for the July 4 celebration.

Still to be questioned and answered are the issues regarding RIOC online lottery registration ticketing process and distribution of tickets outside of that process.

As reported July 3, I asked RIOC Public Information Officer Amy Smith:

... I think most  people understand the need to limit ticket capacity for health and safety concerns.

What gets residents upset is that the online ticket registration process is sold out after 2 minutes and that no process was set up to give Roosevelt Island residents priority for the tickets as has been done every year in the past.

Any comment from RIOC on that issue?


How many total tickets were available for the July 4 FDR Park Fireworks viewing online registration today?

RIOC said on Monday there were 1500 tickets but the Eventbrite registration page said only 1100 tickets were available.

Which number is accurate? Why are the numbers different?

Also, are there any tickets distributed through sources other than the online registration process? Does FDR Park, NY State or any other entity have an allotment of tickets?

If yes, how many tickets and what are those other sources?...

No response yet from RIOC. 

I've been told that tickets (number currently unknown) were given to the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association, Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center and Roosevelt Island Seniors Association for distribution to their members. In my view, nothing wrong with RIOC giving tickets to these groups but RIOC should be transparent about what groups and individuals are receiving tickets outside of the lottery process.

Here are scenes before, during and after the Roosevelt Island July 4 Fireworks celebration

It was a wonderful night and felt good to be able to celebrate in a crowd after the past year of Covid 19 social distancing practices.