Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 8th Graders Celebrate Graduation At Awesome Fun Filled Senior Class Trip To Six Flags Amusement Park And Family Brunch At The Sanctuary Event Space With Generous Support From Roosevelt Island Community

Last April, Roosevelt Island parents initiated a fundraising campaign seeking community support to send our local PS/IS 217 8th grade class on a Senior Class trip to Six Flags Amusement Park in celebration of their upcoming graduation.

As previously reported, according to one parent:

It’s a small class of 28 kids. Most of these kids have been through school together since Pre-K up. They’re this cute little 217 Family. Like many of us were.  

These kids have had it rough, they’ve missed out on their last year of school together. Many of the memories they will have will be of tiny thumbnails of each other on a computer screen. 

As of right now, we the parents of the 8th grade in 217 are trying to help these kids have a safe and memorable last school trip together. There are families who are struggling to pay Senior fees, picture day and a class ring. And we collectively are trying to make this trip available to all of the kids, without an extra bill to the households. We are looking to raise funds to bring the entire 8th grade class to Six Flags for a day of fun.... 


... Our children are graduating from 8th Grade and due to Covid, their school is unable to provide the traditional senior activities, trips or celebrations. These kids have been struggling with remote and blended classes for half of their 7th grade and their entire 8th grade.  That means half of the middle school experience was lost. They have essentially become teenagers alone at home. They have persevered and deserve a celebration. The students would like to go on the annual senior trip as an entire class of 28 kid...
The fundraising campaign was successful, raising just over their goal of $4000.

On June 19, the Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 8th Grade Graduates

 enjoyed a fun filled day

at Six Flags Amusement Park.

Roosevelt Island Parent Yitza Martinez shares these photos (those above too) and reports:

Congratulations to the 2021 P.S/I.S 217 8th grade graduates.  

I would like to say that with the support of a community anything is possible, this has been tested and proven true. 

Back in April some of the parents worked together to help the 8th graders get the finale they deserved. They started and shared a Gofundme fundraiser with the hopes of reaching a goal. 

Although having some obstacles in the way, Mission accomplished!!! This Roosevelt Island community is awesome!!! 

Many contributed to the efforts; new island residents as well as old timers, friends and families, Island wide organizations and even some anonymous pulled together and made this trip happen. Thank you!  

Also, a huge THANK YOU to The Sanctuary RI for not only contributing to the fundraiser but also opening their doors for the class to have an after graduation brunch. 

Their generosity is not taken for granted and we truly appreciate it.   

The fundraiser helped cover the cost for a private charter bus, entrance to Six Flags Great Adventure and food vouchers for the students and the chaperones on June 19th.  

These kids had an awesome day full laughter, fun, sun

and best of all memories with their friends and classmates. 

Thank you friends, Thank you families and Thank you Roosevelt Island!!! Without your caring this would not have been possible.  

Once again, Congratulations to the class of 2021, YOU DID IT! Best of luck in high school.