Friday, April 21, 2023

Earth Love Day Saturday April 22 On Roosevelt Island At Meditation Lawn, Blackwell Plaza And Riverwalk Commons - You're Invited To Beautification Planting, Yoga Meditation, Recycling Art Station, Book Swap, Seed Giveaway, Educational Booths, Plogging, Composting & More

Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn founder Christina Delfico reports:

Saturday, April 22nd / 11am- 3pm - Earth Love Day event at Meditation Lawn, Blackwell House Plaza and planting with the garden club at the Riverwalk Commons near Granny Annie’s on Roosevelt Island. 

Free resources include the book drop n’ swap & a used battery drop. Activities include the Youth Center art station, Island Kids seed giveaway, Girl Scout Recycle and Crafting station, RIHS children's book giveaway and iDig2Learn & GRIN tree urban forest planting news and Tree Survey plus Haki Compost collective will be on hand to talk about food scraps for the compost program. 

Also, stop by to learn more about the new teen-run Island Plogging Club with Louise. Plus Main Street Theater and Dance performances and OM yoga too. Rain date: Sunday, April 23rd.

The Roosevelt Island Garden Club invites you to help plant flowers in the Riverwalk Commons tomorrow too.