Steel Pillars Holding Up The Roosevelt Island East River Boat Prow Completely Eroded Away, Seen In Picture Only Visible At Low Tide - Is It Still Safe For Photo Ops And Weddings?
On April 12, Sven Claus reported to the Roosevelt Island Friends Facebook page:
I've noticed this morning that the steel pillars holding up the 'ship' on the west side of the island have completely eroded away.. which is only visible during low tide. It's inevitable this thing will come crashing down sooner or later.
On Monday, April 17, I asked Mr Claus if he received any response from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) about the eroding Boat Prow pillars and he replied that he had not.
Later on Monday I asked RIOC President Shelton Haynes and Communications VP Akeem Jamal
Does RIOC have any comment on the apparently unsafe conditions at the Roosevelt Island Boat Prow sticking out into the East River near The Sanctuary Events space?
No answer from RIOC to my press inquiry but Mr Claus reports yesterday that RIOC answered him with:
I did receive a message from RIOC stating they are exploring options on how to alternatively stabilize the structure since the original support has eroded away.
... RIOC will begin a Boat Prow Restoration project to remove the graffiti from the prow and to repair eroded Corten Steel damage to the base of the Prow caused by the East River salt washing up against the prow. Mr. Martinez added that RIOC has not found any type of material that can be used to prevent graffiti from being placed on the prow so RIOC will have to be vigilant and remove the tags as soon as they are placed on the prow....
This NY Times FYI column from 2000 provides more information on Roosevelt Island's Boat Prow
which has recently become a popular wedding destination site offered by The Sanctuary events space.