Monday, August 14, 2023

Worker Injured Falling From 25th Floor Of Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Building 9 Construction Site This Evening - FDNY Says Worker Fell 1 Floor And Taken To Hospital

This evening at about 5:30 PM, the FDNY 

came to the aid of a worker injured at the Roosevelt Island Hudson Related Riverwalk building 9 construction site

at 430 Main Street.

I was told by the FDNY on scene that the worker was injured falling from the 25th Floor to one floor below and taken to a hospital.

According to the FDNY press office the worker was taken to NY Presbyterian Hospital and:

We have reported that patient fell 1 floor, we do not have any further information.
This is preliminary information and will be updated when more becomes available.

UPDATE 8/15 - Hudson Related's David Kramer reports:

DOB inspected this morning and determined the accident as a worker error. No violations were issued.

According to the NYC Department of Buildings:

Do not know the condition of the injured worker at this time.