Monday, August 14, 2023

Man Punched In Face And Bloodied Outside Of Roosevelt Island Starbucks On Sunday Afternoon, Second Incident In Area During Past Week - Continued Silence From RIOC, What Happened To Promised 100% Transparency?

A Roosevelt Island eyewitness Tipster reported yesterday, August 13, at approximately 5 PM:

An older gentleman sitting outside of Starbucks got punched pretty hard by a young man. The two continued to  argue with the younger man retreating to the subway. I didn't see the whole thing but Public Safety arrived right away and spoke to both. NYPD is here too.

He got punched really hard because there is blood all over his chin.

The August 13 RIOC PSD Blotter reported:

08/13/23 – 1645 – 455 Main St – Juvenile Related – PSD and EMS responded – Report filed.

The RIOC PSD Blotter says nothing about a man being punched in the face and bloodied.

Yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Chief Kevin Brown and Assistant Vice President of Communications Akeem Jamal:

...  Does RIOC have any comment to the Roosevelt Island community on this incident and any more details of what happened?.

There has been no response from RIOC.

Today, I asked the NYPD:

Yesterday, August 13 at approximately 4:30 pm an older male was punched in the face by a younger male at the Starbucks outdoor patio on Roosevelt Island 455 Main Street. The younger man escaped into the subway. I'm told that NYPD 114 officers arrived, spoke to the victim and took a statement.

Do you have any info on this incident?

Also on Thursday August 10 at approximately 9 AM a teenager was robbed by a masked wearing suspect at 465 Main Street (which is nearby to the Starbucks) and ran into the subway as well. The 114 precinct responded and took statements.

Do you have any info on this incident? Are the incidents related?...
The NYPD spokesperson replied:
There are no complaint reports on file with information you’ve provided.

A Starbucks worker confirmed today that an older man was punched in the face by a younger man yesterday outside Starbucks and that the victim's face was bloodied and scratched. 

RIOC has still not commented on the August 10 morning robbery of teenager near the subway.

During the July 25 PSD Community Engagement meeting, Chief Brown said that PSD:

... will address issues when they come before us and we will do 100% to be transparent... 

Unfortunately, answering public safety questions from the local Roosevelt Island press in a timely, or at all, is apparently not part of RIOC's transparency definition.